Thursday, June 30, 2005

As I approach the waning years of middle-age, rapidly descending (I prefer to think I am still ascending) into the twilight of life, hopefully, my words and/or musings will provide someone with a little inspiration and/or hope that all is not lost!

Not long ago I heard a news story. Yes Virginia, every now and then there is a "real" news story. The gist of the story was that by the year 2050, the number of centenarians will have increased something like ten-fold. Then like a lightning bolt, it hit me. "Gee, I mused to myself, in the year 2050, docharv (that's me) (Actually it's my dad, but I use his moniker as a constant reminder and in my small way to honor his life!) you will be 100 years old.

So maybe I can talk to GW and convince him that even us double 5's might like to utilize private accounts! Oh that's a topic for later discussion.

For now this is just my opening salvo. How often I add will probably be subject to my whims. I love to write and for far too long have put off doing this. So not I have begun and who knows, maybe, someday, before the year 2050, I will become as famous to others as I am to myself.