Friday, May 23, 2008

It's About Time

I am amazed that it has been 34 months since I last posted here. Guess I am now even that much more of a MAWM. Actually, I am getting very close to not being one at all. Not sure what the accepted Middle Age cutoff is. Regardless, I really do not feel that way at all.

I have resolved to rejoin the blogging community with a renewed enthusiasm. Love to write and blogging was made for someone like me. Although, I have not posted here for a very long time, I nonetheless continue to write. Often, its just emails to others. I tend to prefer more of the one on one communication because usually its much easier to react/respond to the words that are directed at you. So much of what I do read just seems to go nowhere.

I believe any writer [pro or amateur] needs to know there is an audience for the words that are written. Possibly one reason I stopped was there just seemed to be no one wanting to offer the feedback that I needed to keep me stimulated. So I guess for any and all that may happen to stumble across my words, let me know what you too are thinking/feeling.

Give me your best shot. You should be able to tell from my original posts just what I might have to say about the current state of politics and/or world events maybe even the disgusting level of Political Correctness that now is so pervasive in our everyday lives. Just do not assume that you think you know what I will say. Yeah, if you are some environmental wacko or Obama kool-aid imbiber or other such lackluster life force, you probably will not get too much sympathy from whatever you may say to me, unless you are someone who actually does utilize your brain.

Just keep in mind, that despite what you may think about the evolutionary theory of our world, [presuming you do think] how, do you explain the possibility of other life forms that may exist in one or more of the multiple universes known to exist. Even if you do not believe in some type of Creator, does it not seem rather arrogant to believe the evolutionary process stopped with humans. Hmm, maybe evolution is different in other worlds. THINK ABOUT IT!