Thursday, May 07, 2009


Guess I got a little carried away with my numbers. Of course even Obama cannot spend 1 Trillion that fast.

Yes, indeed it actually takes slightly under 3 months for our government to spend so much helping us get thru these tough days.

Ok so it' still worth remembering that's still a rate nearly 14,675 % faster.

Still worth thinking about.


We keep hearing all about the enormous amounts of money our government is wanting to spend to help us all out of this "bad economy." Just wonder how many of us take time to think about what these numbers really mean.

Just imagine if someone came to you and said you could spend ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS per second. Can any of us really comprehend how much that really is?

  • $60,000 per minute
  • $3,600,000 per hour
  • $86,400,000 per day
  • $604,800,000 per week
  • $31,536,000 per year

Now of course I am sure many of us would like to try and even spend at that rate. Yet, I suspect all of us fully recognize that it would be impossible.

Ok now just think about how long it would take you to spend a TRILLION DOLLARS at the above rate.

The answer is 31 years 8 months 6 days

Did I say impossible. Well, I stand corrected. our government spends that same amount every day.

And our president wants to now spend twice that amount every day!

Hmm, I guess the words long attributed to Everett Dirksen, another Illinois Senator are worth remembering. [I say attributed because according to the Dirksen Center, there is no evidence he actually said]

"A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hi Speed Government Gobbledegook

Obama touts Florida as site for high-speed rail lines

Absolutely asinine, ridiculous, wasteful and just utter pure nonsense.

How many times do we have to go down this road? Why do we continue to waste money on "glorified government" projects?

Oh yeah, I forgot our government is here to help us. Wake up folks and smell the roses.

So now we create a hi-speed rail system. What do you do when you get there? Oh I guess we are supposed to use the existing mass transit system [also subsidized by our taxes] that is not really used effiiciently [maybe some day someone will measure the cost in terms of foreign oil used per passenger mile].

Of course that would require us to use some logic. No sense in doing that.

Afterall all of us "who doth protest a bit too much" are nothing but a bunch of "tea partying," misinformed redneck racists!