Thursday, July 14, 2005

Oh Say Can You See

Now here's just a wonderful heartwarming story in our great American tradition. Seems that some people in Deerfield Beach, FL were offended when recordings from 911 were mixed in with the song, "God Bless the USA.",

So now we must apologize because it made everyone's mood change from a "really good one" ... to a sudden "cloud of doom". Even more amazing is the statement that it would not have been a problem if it was Memorial Day.

Say what! What in the blazing sun is the difference. I mean what is more appropriate than on our nation's birthday to honor "the land of the free and the home of the brave," by reminding us of the brave souls who suffered at the hands of our enemies.

I am sure anyone who feels this way also thought the 911 footage should be taken off our tv's. because it was too graphic. Just as Darryl Worley sang:

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger
That's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it every day

In fact, I would hazard a guess these are the same people who think Gitmo should be operated more like a 'country club." And to think REPUBLICANS, have always been labelled as being CC'ers. Sure, because as the dem (Never will capitalize that word) chief claims, we never worked a day in our lives.

So yes, I would say, do not let yourself ever forget. In fact, it should not matter whether its the Fourth or Memorial Day. Every day we should remind ourselves of this evil in the world and pray to the God of our choice, that we will not become victims of this "reverse Crusade."

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Cancelling AARP

Letter I wrote to AARP's Executive Director.
I have not yet received a reply.
Gee I wonder why?

William D Novelli
Executive Director

Dear Mr. Novelli:

I have waited until my renewal notice came through to send this letter.

Please be advised that I am canceling my membership and respectfully request that my name be removed from any and all of your mailing lists.

I am in no way involved in any type of mail writing campaign. This request is simply based upon my utter disgust with the partisan political demagoguery practiced by AARP.

In my humble opinion, you have taken AARP way beyond the mission of representing and/or advocating all of the people who meet the membership requirements.

One of my pet peeves is how often Lincoln’s great words are misstated. We are a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” Too often for is exchanged with by.

There is a distinct difference. The misstatement always suggests a “pure democracy.” Guess these people also did not pay attention when they were being taught about the Electoral College.

However, AARP in its misguided and unfounded political posturing does not even attempt to be “by or for the people.” The organization has gone the way of all bureaucracies that think they are there to “help the people.” Of course the big mistake is they believe the people do not really understand all of the issues. So they end up becoming, at best, “benevolent dictatorships.”

Unfortunately you do adhere to being, “of the people,” by using the fees of millions of members (not at all unlike the labor unions) to pontificate a biased set of limited principles.

I for one will not continue as one of those millions. Yes, I realize my one cancellation will register about 0.00001 on the political Richter scale. Yet, I just cannot continue to be told how to think in exchange for AARP’s bribe of benefits.

If I continued my membership, then I would be guilty of acceding to your dictates. The only reason to continue my membership would be if I truly believed I could affect change. However, we both know that you and your cohorts will never allow that to happen.

See I Really Am a MAWM Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 30, 2005

As I approach the waning years of middle-age, rapidly descending (I prefer to think I am still ascending) into the twilight of life, hopefully, my words and/or musings will provide someone with a little inspiration and/or hope that all is not lost!

Not long ago I heard a news story. Yes Virginia, every now and then there is a "real" news story. The gist of the story was that by the year 2050, the number of centenarians will have increased something like ten-fold. Then like a lightning bolt, it hit me. "Gee, I mused to myself, in the year 2050, docharv (that's me) (Actually it's my dad, but I use his moniker as a constant reminder and in my small way to honor his life!) you will be 100 years old.

So maybe I can talk to GW and convince him that even us double 5's might like to utilize private accounts! Oh that's a topic for later discussion.

For now this is just my opening salvo. How often I add will probably be subject to my whims. I love to write and for far too long have put off doing this. So not I have begun and who knows, maybe, someday, before the year 2050, I will become as famous to others as I am to myself.