Thursday, July 14, 2005

Oh Say Can You See

Now here's just a wonderful heartwarming story in our great American tradition. Seems that some people in Deerfield Beach, FL were offended when recordings from 911 were mixed in with the song, "God Bless the USA.",

So now we must apologize because it made everyone's mood change from a "really good one" ... to a sudden "cloud of doom". Even more amazing is the statement that it would not have been a problem if it was Memorial Day.

Say what! What in the blazing sun is the difference. I mean what is more appropriate than on our nation's birthday to honor "the land of the free and the home of the brave," by reminding us of the brave souls who suffered at the hands of our enemies.

I am sure anyone who feels this way also thought the 911 footage should be taken off our tv's. because it was too graphic. Just as Darryl Worley sang:

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger
That's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it every day

In fact, I would hazard a guess these are the same people who think Gitmo should be operated more like a 'country club." And to think REPUBLICANS, have always been labelled as being CC'ers. Sure, because as the dem (Never will capitalize that word) chief claims, we never worked a day in our lives.

So yes, I would say, do not let yourself ever forget. In fact, it should not matter whether its the Fourth or Memorial Day. Every day we should remind ourselves of this evil in the world and pray to the God of our choice, that we will not become victims of this "reverse Crusade."

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