Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels?

I am sure many of you have heard about 527 groups. These are political organizations that have a non-profit status. They can raise money and spend it just about any way they want. For the most part they are not covered by any campaign finance law.

The "Swift Boat" group in 2004 may have been considered so effective that it has now become a political verb – swiftboated! Yet the main stream media [drive-by's] usually do little or nothing to check out left wing groups.

Many not only get a "free pass," but often are given the equivalent of a free ad. See one here at, for a group called BillionairesforBush, regarding their plans to protest a visit by John McCain. I wonder, would a 527 that was on the right-wing fringe and supporting McCain get the same privilege.

Doubtful. In fact, John would more than likely repudiate any such group. Of course even a moderate group would probably not be given free PR.

I did a search on this group at Found 234 sites that link to them. See the full listing here. Here is just a few of the more noteworthy ones. [Note: In all fairness just because a link exists does not always indicate support by that site]

  • Democratic National Committee
  • [Not the real one]
  • National Review Online
  • Slate Magazine
  • Daily Koz
  • Democratic Underground
  • The Village Voice
  • NYU Student Atheist Club [Note Founder of Billionaires is a lecturer at NYU]

I can see why some do not want to focus on who are your Associates and/or Pals. Oh yeah, none of this is at all about "class warfare." Guess some people really think most of us are just plain stupid? Why else would they continue to insult our intelligence?

I guess it's true. "We are bitter," ..."cling to our guns and our religion" ... and "have antipathy to people who aren't like" us.

Gosh I think I have heard that somewhere before!

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