Saturday, October 25, 2008

Who is the Real Change Agent for Our Country

Many may believe that BO has already won because the people are wanting 'change,' and he is the self-anointed 'agent,' we need.

No doubt we do need a great deal of change. Yet most people and the media seem to forget that what needs to be changed has been that way for a long time. You have to almost admire Obama and the Democrats for being able to place all of the blame on Bush and the Republicans. As if everything that now plagues us has just happened in the last 8 years.

No doubt the GOP missed out on a golden opportunity. Yet, how soon we forget they controlled both Houses of Congress for 40+ years.

McCain may not have been my first choice. Indeed I was probably quite blasé. So let me say it straight-out for the pundits that continue to criticize his biggest decision. His choice of Sara Palin was absolutely brilliant and a masterful stroke.

Indeed, it was déjà-vu 1980 when Reagan picked Bush. I am sure that a historical review of that pick will show the media considered that a major blunder too. Why? Because it was not expected. See the media just does not like to be caught off-guard.

John McCain has absolutely won me over. I believe with my entire being that he is the only one who will bring our country 'real change.' He is the one to wake up the echoes of Abe, Teddy, Barry and Ronnie. All of them understood the wisdom of Churchill's words.

"There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction."

Clearly John and Sara understand this fundamental concept. I am afraid that BO probably should have read the words of the great American artist, Thomas Hart Benson.

"You can't change your mind up on a scaffold without the risk of everything going awry.
You must solve your problems before you get up there."

Benton was known for rejecting the "orthodoxies of modernism, which he saw as elitist, neurotic, and obscurantist". His works are best known to show the real American spirit, "steeped in North American folk traditions" and free of "the decadence of European high culture".

Gee that almost sounds like 'Joe the Plumber' and those "racist, oops, redneck, Pennsylvanians. Surely they are the same people who cling to their guns and religion.

So yes America, let's change but not just for the sake of change.

John McCain and Sara Palin remind me of the famous words spoke by another War Hero, Republican Senator, Carl Schurz [believe he was a Pennsylvanian too] during the days of Reconstruction.

"My Country Right or Wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right."

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