Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DocHarv’s Sausage n Peppers

I originally wrote this 2 years ago for a company sponsored booth at the Bonita Springs, Florida, Relay For Life. We sold these sandwiches and raised about $1,500. Just thought it was a good time to share with the world. You will also now understand why I use docharv as my virtual log-in. No one ever again will be DocHarv.

Doc Harv's Sausage n Peppers n Onions

The Rest of the Story

DocHarv was a BIG man who, at 6'4" and 250 lbs., was seldom in his life physically challenged. He was known to have the ability, with his extreemely large fingers, to be able to stop a 1,500 lb bull, in his tracks, by inserting them into its nose and clamping down. when he was 60 years old he even drove himself to the emergency room in the midst of a severe heart attack. 3 weeks later he was back to work. he even overcame 2 strokes in his later years.

10 years ago, DocHarv, died after another battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma. He expressed to me, a year before his death, that he really did not have any pain. the hard part was that no longer could he use his strength. yet he also told me, he considered it a blessing, because it made him appreciate and understand the suffering of his savior, jesus.'

I was going to say he lost the battle, but, I was reminded of what the legendary coach of the Packers, Vince Lombardi used to say.

"We never lost, We just ran out of time."

Now that may seem a little arrogant to some, but, it really is a statement that winning is only a matter of time. DocHarv often said, "do not tell me you tried, because that is only an advance excuse for failure."

DocHarv never gave up. he fought to the end. More than anyone I have ever known, he enjoyed a party and good food. 4 days before he died, he insisted on attending a neighbor's 4th of July party. Why? Because he had been invited. Too weak to walk, his very tall son-in-law carried him on his shoulders. DocHarv even drank his last beer.

So for everyone, as you walk or run during this relay, ask you to remember DocHarv. Every step or stride you take is helping us to get that much closer to crossing the goal line. We will win and some day no one will ever again run out of time.

Now you know the rest of the story about DocHarv and why I named this sandwich after him!


michael HARVEY baum

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